About us

Our campaign started at one of the most unusual and pivotal points in our shared history; the global lockdown of 2020. We created The World From My Window to provide a democratic, open and accessible outlet for anyone, anywhere, to share their story. We want to continue to provide a platform for the voices of individual citizens around the globe, and offer an outlet for creative writing, promoting its benefits wherever we can.

During this time we partnered with charities and organisations who shared a common mission; supporting others struggling with social circumstances and their emotional wellbeing. It is this protection and promotion of mental health that has become one of the key drivers for what we do. Lockdown might be over, but we’re entering a new world where uncertainty and instability is the new normal and may well be a source of anxiety for many people.

Almost overnight, everything about our daily lives completely changed and we adjusted to an extraordinary new way of life from the confines of our own homes. Without physical contact, our social support systems changed and we had to use more and more digital outlets to connect and find community with others. In countries around the world, people are slowly opening their doors again and stepping cautiously back towards ‘normality’.However, the world outside our windows looks slightly different now.

As day breaks in this new and unfamiliar world, we want TWFMW stories to continue to be a sounding board of hope and connectivity where we can share our differences, similarities and experiences across the globe.

We would like to especially thank Karolinko of enexc&Co for her generosity in providing the beautiful artwork that accompany this project. Also a massive thank you to Carolanne Bamford-Beattie from carolannecomms.com for helping us shape the words that bring our message to life and Rob from RWT Design for building our incredible website. Without these amazing people this project would still be an idea.